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authormono-b <monoblanco@DRAINERDOMAIN.localdomain>2022-12-18 23:58:07 -0300
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+ <h1>>Newsboat_</h1>
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+ <p>Allthough I&rsquo;ve riced <a href="">newsboat</a>, this will be a guide focusing on the important aspect of the program. Newsboat allows the user
+to read RSS/Atom feeds, which are usually generated by the website itself or sometimes by a frontend or third party app. The main
+reason to use this program is the fact that you won&rsquo;t need an account in sites such as Youtube, Reddit, or Twitter anymore. Also, that you&rsquo;ll
+have sort of a centralized way to consume (which includes reading text, listening to podcasts or watching videos) pretty much any site on the
+internet by using only a terminal program, which is by far faster and more desirable. This guide includes:</p>
+<li>Brief explanation on how it works (program is very intuitive to use)</li>
+<li>Setup of other programs</li>
+<li>Running newsboat in the background so it notifies the user when new article appears (optional)</li>
+<li>Multiple macro configurations that you might find very useful (optional but HIGHLY recommended)</li>
+<h1 id="installation">Installation</h1>
+<p>The software is at almost any repository. In case it is not on your distro, you can always build it from source.</p>
+<p>For Arch-based systems:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>pacman -S newsboat mpv
+</code></pre><p>I use <code>firefox</code> for opening up links (unless is the article has only text) and <code>mpv</code> to reproduce videos and audios.
+You can use any other browser and media player obviously. Or, you can use something like <code>w3m</code> to read text, but remember to change
+it as the browser when setting up the program.</p>
+<p>Also, if you want to download videos/audios I recommend installing <a href="">yt-dlp</a> from its github&rsquo;s repository.
+The installation is straightforward and the software is easier to update by using <code>yt-dlp -U</code> once needed. This program is a fork of the discontinued
+<code>youtube-dl</code> which may still appear in some distro&rsquo;s repositories.</p>
+<h1 id="configuration">Configuration</h1>
+<h2 id="newsboat">Newsboat</h2>
+<p>Newsboat won&rsquo;t run unless the file <code>urls</code> has something inside. Both <code>config</code> and <code>urls</code> files are at either <code>$HOME/.newsboat</code> or <code>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/newsboat</code>.
+Put something inside the <code>urls</code> file. I recommend using the following frontends for getting the feeds:</p>
+<li>Twitter -&gt; nitter</li>
+<li>Youtube -&gt; Invidious</li>
+<li>Reddit -&gt; teddit</li>
+<p>Say you want to add the youtube channel <code>HydeWars</code> to your feed. It will look like this:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>
+</code></pre><p>So basically, you need to get the channel&rsquo;s ID which is <code>UCfUaZ8Ra7m7BqUEACv2jySw</code> and add it at the end of the url, where
+<code></code> is an instance of Invidious. How you find the ID of a YT channel is a matter of having at least a 2 digits IQ.
+If you don&rsquo;t want to use an Invidious instance, you can go to any Youtube channel and view the souce code, filter keyword <code>rss</code> and
+see how the URL looks.</p>
+<p>You can also tag URLs and then press <code>t</code> by adding the tag at the end of the string after a blank space:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code> MDE
+</code></pre><p>Now open <code>config</code> file and add:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code># GENERAL #
+reload-time 30
+auto-reload yes
+browser &#34;setsid -f $BROWSER --new-tab %u &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34;
+cleanup-on-quit yes
+history-limit 2000
+show-keymap-hint no
+goto-next-feed no
+error-log &#34;.config/newsboat/error.log&#34;
+prepopulate-query-feeds yes
+suppress-first-reload yes
+notify-always no
+notify-program &#34;/usr/bin/dunstify&#34;
+notify-format &#34;Newsboat: %d new articles&#34;
+</code></pre><p>Line 4 sets up the browser and forks it, while opening the url in a new tab. In my case, I have an env var set to <code>firefox</code>. Change <code>$BROWSER</code> to your browser&rsquo;s name or software for reading text, if you need to.
+Then, for notifications I use dunstify but you can use whatever you like. Rest is self explanatory, but keep in mind that if you are going to setup notifications you should
+keep <code>reload-time</code> and <code>auto-reload</code> as they are.</p>
+<p>Optionally, you can set up vim-like bindings:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code># Vim keybindings
+unbind-key j
+unbind-key k
+unbind-key ENTER
+unbind-key o
+bind-key o open
+bind-key k up
+bind-key j down
+</code></pre><h2 id="mpv">Mpv</h2>
+<p>Open <code>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv/mpv.conf</code> and add:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code># Cache
+# Quality stream
+# Yt-dlp hook
+</code></pre><p>This sets up a <code>yt-dlp</code> hook that will make the streaming faster. Also, if you want higher/lesser quality, change the height value.</p>
+<h2 id="yt-dlp">Yt-dlp</h2>
+<p>I recommend you to set up a download folder. Open up <code>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/yt-dlp/config</code> and add:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>-o &#39;/path/to/folder/%(title)s.%(ext)s&#39;
+</code></pre><p>This will save the video/audio to a folder using metadata.</p>
+<h1 id="running-newsboat-through-a-script-for-notifications">Running newsboat through a script for notifications</h1>
+<p>Instead of running newsboat directly, I use a simple script so it is always on the background. You can also achieve this with cronjobs.</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>#!/bin/sh
+while true; do
+ kill $(pidof newsboat)
+ rm $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/newsboat/queue
+ $TERMINAL -e newsboat
+ if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
+ exec newsboat &amp;&amp; break
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+</code></pre><p><code>chmod +x</code> the script and remember to use it instead of directly executing newsboat. In my case, I use an i3&rsquo;s keybinding for quick access, and also
+for executing the script only one time as soon as the window manager initializes.</p>
+<h1 id="macros">Macros</h1>
+<p>A macro is used for executing a sequence of commands by pressing a key or a combination of keys. In our case, for using the browser setting as not really a browser, but anything we like. For example, as a media player
+to reproduce a YT video. To execute a macro press <code>,</code> + <code>key</code>.</p>
+<p>Here is a list of some macros I&rsquo;ve came up with that are very useful (add them to newsboat&rsquo;s config file):</p>
+<h2 id="queue-videos-clear-playlist-and-reproduce-playlist">Queue videos, clear playlist and reproduce playlist</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro a set browser &#34;echo %u &gt;&gt; ~/.config/newsboat/queue&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+macro c set browser &#34;rm $HOME/.config/newsboat/queue &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+macro p set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv --playlist=$HOME/.config/newsboat/queue &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><p>The idea of these 3 macros is creating, playing or deleting a playlist. If you take a look at the script in the previous section, this file named <code>queue</code> gets deleted when the script executes.
+For adding videos or even audios to said file you need to focus the article on a feed.</p>
+<h2 id="play-queued-videos-fullscreen-second-monitor">Play queued videos fullscreen second monitor</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro P set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv --x11-name=newsboatfs --fullscreen=yes --playlist=$HOME/.config/newsboat/queue &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="play-video">Play video</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro v set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv %u &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="play-video-floating-mode">Play video floating mode</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro i set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv --x11-name=mpvfloat %u &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="play-audio-only">Play audio only</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro A set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv %u --no-video &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="play-fullscreen-i3-sends-it-to-second-monitor-useful-for-playing-all-the-videos-from-a-channel">Play fullscreen, i3 sends it to second monitor (useful for playing all the videos from a channel)</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro f set browser &#34;kill $(pidof mpv) ; setsid -f mpv --x11-name=newsboatfs --fullscreen=yes %u &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="download-video">Download video</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro y set browser &#34;yt-dlp %u&#34; ; open-in-browser ; set browser &#34;$BROWSER %u&#34;
+</code></pre><h2 id="open-in-default-browser">Open in default browser</h2>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>macro o open-in-browser
+</code></pre><p>NOTE: Keep in mind that for sending the videos/articles to another monitor you need to rename the X instance to whatever you like so you can then manipulate it with your window manager.
+Using i3 would look like this:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>for_window [instance=&#34;newsboatfs&#34;] move container to workspace $ws10
+for_window [instance=&#34;mpvfloat&#34;] floating enable, resize set 960 540, move container position center
+</code></pre><p>Where <code>$ws10</code> outputs to <code>HDMI-1</code>:</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code>workspace &#34;10&#34; output HDMI-1
+</code></pre><p>Use <code>xrandr</code> to know display names.</p>
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